Why Choose Us

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Guaranteed School Readiness

Play-based & Reggio-inspired learning sparks joy & prepares your child for school.

Family-Focused Teachers

Expect a warm welcome from a supportive team with over 2 decades of experience.

Social-Emotional Skills

Your child’s healthy relationships begin with a foundation of emotional intelligence.

Engaging Daily Enrichments

Yoga, gym, dance, art, music, & gardening activities help develop the whole child.

Plenty Of Outdoor Play

Natural play structures, a garden, splash pad, & bike track keep your little one active.

Full-Sized Indoor Gym

Your child builds crucial gross motor skills every day in our spacious indoor gym.

Parent Communication App

Receive daily pictures, videos, messages, & progress reports from the Educore© app.

Safe, Secure Environment

A fenced-in playground, CPR-trained teachers, & security cameras keep your child safe.

How Old Is Your Child?



45 Days - 1 Year



1 - 2 Years



2 - 3 years

Foundation Stage 1

Foundation Stage 1

3 - 4 Years​

Holiday programmes

Holiday programmes

45 Days - 4 Years